
We use cookies for one purpose and one purpose only

We use a cookie named uid that is a temporary hash, such as: 63f9e2e1ce519 to enable us to keep tabs of items added to your cart and items you have favorited whilst you are not logged in.

Once you are logged in, we then no longer need to use uid as a new cookie named milonic_uid becomes your unique, none trackable, user id and enables us to offer you our services.

These cookies are essential for the correct running of our website and are about as benign as you can get.

Our Promise

We will never, EVER, use cookies in a way that can track you for targetting ads, social media plugins, etc, nor for any other purpose, other than being able to determie who you are so that we can deliver the correct stuff to your web browser.

It's as simple as that

Last updated: May 25 2024